Design and extend your Timeship's Capabilities. Some are beneficial, while others may have side effects depending on your playstyle and goals.
Addon and Community Integrations
We make hooks in the mod to allow for integrations in other mods, and the ability to make addon mods!
Same Software, Different Casing
Customise each aspect of your trusty Sonic Device!
Share and Create your own Content!
Add and share Custom Interiors to the mod using Minecraft Datapacks!
Abandoned Timeship
Strange timeships can be found deep underground across all biomes. It seems damaged...perhaps you can give it a new life!
Customise the look of your Timeship, down to small details such as the console unit textures!
Travel to other worlds!
Travel across all of Time and Space using dimensions from any mod!
Feeling down? Maybe some adventuring can cheer you up! :)
Each timeship has an emotional system. It seems that flying it and keeping it company can cheer it up!
Not always a Police Box!
Not all Tardises have to be silly blue box. Can you spot where this one is? (Disguises vary between biomes)
I know you're hurt, and I understand...
Timeships are organic lifeforms and give off emotional responses. It seems giving them items of value to them can prove your trust and good intentions..
Maintanence required!
It looks like this timeship's components are in need of replacement. Use the Quantiscope to repair or craft new components to allow your ship to fly once more!
Tailored Adventure Ride Done In Style!
Work with friends or challenge yourself to fly more efficiently with unstabilised mode. Beware, if you miss a control during a flight event, you may damage the ship!
Unlock new Interiors and Exteriors as you adventure!
Discover new interior themes and exterior options by completing certain advancements! (1.14.4 Only)
Original Animated Assets!
Many assets are original designs, and support animations along with lights, and sound effects.