Newer World

Newer World


New game changing features added to your Minecraft world such as;

3 New biomes; Clash, Mooshroom Forests and Podzol Forests

Clash Biome

New Type of tree; Green Tree, made of green logs and green leaves.

Mooshroom Forests

Some thicc mooshroom fields bruh.

Podzol Forests

Dense mega taigas on podzol.

1 New Entitie;

Ig Pig, Dropping Ig, Giving 5 hunger shanks.

Unexplained New Blocks And Items;

Maethyst Ore, Maethyst Ingot, Meathyst Tools (better than diamonds) can be found below y=18, Red Andesite, made by smelting andesite, can be used to create a clash portal, Clash Portal Dimesion Igniter made with 4 glass and a plank of choice. Blue Grass, found in clash dimensions and biomes alongside blue dirt.