Next-Gen Smokes

Next-Gen Smokes


Created by Radingbulls99

Next-Gen Smokes is a mod that allows the player to become a stoner!

The mod includes smokes that heal & give various potion effects to the player.


This mod is an in-game novelty and should NOT be replicated at home/ in real life. 

I DO NOT support the use/ abuse of illegal substances. This mod is intended for

                                             in-game fun.


This mod may contain bugs/issues that I'm unaware of. Please report bugs/issues

                                        to the 'Issues' Tab.

Pre-installation info:

-Make sure to have Minecraft Forge 1.14.4_28.2.16 or newer installed.

-Before installing new versions of the mod, be sure to ALWAYS backup your world/worlds.

Basic mod info:

-Before smoking, the materials need to be prepared first. 

NOTE! (These steps are the same for seagrass)

Step 1:


Harvest the marijuana by breaking after it has been grown/found.

Step 2:

Insert the marijuana into a smoker.

Step 3:

Right click on the grinder to grind the bud. (3x Grinded Bud will be given to player)

Step 4:

Craft the joint using 6x paper & 3x grinded bud. (Enjoy!)

Crafting recipes are located under the 'Images' tab.

Joint Types:

-Joint | Potion Effects- (Nausea II 15sec, Slowness II 30sec, Resistance IV 30sec, Absorption II 60sec, Luck IV 60sec, Glowing II 60sec)

-Seagrass Joint | Potion Effects-   (Nausea II 10sec, Water Breathing II 60sec, Dolphins Grace II 60sec, Saturation II 60sec)

-Shrooms Joint | Potion Effects- (Instant Damage II, Nausea II 30sec, Speed IV 60sec, Strength III 60sec, Saturation II 60sec)

-Redstone Joint | Potion Effects- (Instant Damage II, Strength V 15sec, Haste V 15sec, Glowing II 60sec, Fire Resistance III 60sec)

-Blaze Joint | Potion Effects- (Nausea II 15sec, Mining Fatigue III 30sec, Night Vision II 60sec, Absorption II 60sec, Resistance III 60sec, Fire Resistance V 120sec)  

-Bonemeal Joint | Potion Effects- (Weakness II 30sec, Mining Fatigue II 30sec, Jump Boost II 60sec, Resistance II 60sec)

-Dirt Joint | Potion Effects- (Instant Damage II, Mining Fatigue II 30sec)

-Paper Joint | Potion Effects- (Unknown)

Extra Mod Info:

-Grinders can be used as a form of protection against mobs/entities. (Grinders deal 0.5 damage)

-Bodyguards are found randomly throughout the world. (Bodyguards fight mobs/players that are nearby or attacks it)

-Baseball Bats deal 6 damage to mobs/entities.

-Bonemeal instantly grows marijuana.

-Mushrooms can be used in the bong.

-Bongs increase the length of potion effects.

-Give the paper joint a try!

Other Info: 

-A very special thanks go to MCreator for making this mod possible!