[1.9.4] Placing Ropes causes crash (Major Bug)
jawsawn opened this issue ยท 5 comments
I placed a rope under a giant mushroom and it crashed me, now the world is corrupted.
oh i didnt include one? Sorry I thought I did.
Doesn't placing ropes under the brown mushroom blocks cause it? I'm not with my pc at so i cant cause it yet.
I'm guessing @jawsawn simply has OptiFine installed, which does cause some mods that don't support it to crash (with the mushroom being unrelated). To fix the world, try loading it with OptiFine disabled to remove the rope.
Here's a crash report.
Minecraft 1.9.4
Forge 1.9.4-
OptiFine 1.9.4_HD_U_B5
NinjaGear 1.9.4-0.0.2