- 0
Infinite Stealth bug
#11 opened by Aegael - 0
Smoke Bomb Effect Not Disappearing
#12 opened by Aegael - 4
Server crash when in stealth and hitting mob
#8 opened by KamiSami - 2
Katana does low damage despite empty off-hand
#9 opened by KamiSami - 1
Dupe bug
#10 opened by KamiSami - 4
missing recipes for certain items
#1 opened by SpiderOverlord - 5
[1.9.4] Placing Ropes causes crash (Major Bug)
#2 opened by jawsawn - 2
Missing Texture - Rope Coil
#5 opened by rckymtnrfc - 4
Crash related to ninja rope?
#4 opened by Plurp13 - 2
[Bug] Crashing in the nether
#6 opened by MysticAura - 1
Crash after updating InfinityLib
#7 opened by belathus