Mod Gameplay
Without being able to punch trees, your first day in a new world will be spent foraging. Gathering sticks and food while searching for gravel. One flint is all you need, then you can start chopping down trees.
Add or remove blocks by using the minecraft:logs data tag
Version 2.0.0 and newer: Does not change any recipes of any existing blocks like stone tools or furnaces or any data tag, only recipe added by the mod is the flint tool item.
Version 2.0.0 Config can disable the no log punching feature, and JEI can be used to disable the flint tool item
Mining / harvesting any LOGS such as from a tree is disabled without a tool.
If you have empty hand or a non-tool item like a stick, it cant be broken (data tag minecraft:logs)
New Flint Tool
- Counts as a combined AXE and SHOVEL, with similar attack power to a wooden axe for combat
- Harvests anything a wooden axe or shovel can
- Works for making Paths and Bark logs
- Craft from flint