Nostalgic Tweaks (Fabric/NeoForge)

Nostalgic Tweaks (Fabric/NeoForge)


[SHADERS] north sunrise incompatible with some shaders

Barerock opened this issue · 2 comments


Version Information

Minecraft Version: 1.20.1
Forge Version: 47.3.5
Nostalgic Tweaks Version: 2.0.0 B-8.4.1

Describe the Bug

Shader moon/sun light does not follow where the sun/moon is ingame. Most visible with Rethinking Voxels.

Bug Context

The North sunrise option disconnects the actual moon position. Shaders follow the moon position, so they should be able to follow, but this mod or Iris have an issue with the option, preventing the shader from detecting the moon/sun position


2024-08-05_15 44 34


As far as I know, this is not something that I can fix. I recommend updating the mod to beta 9 for better mod support, performance, and more tweaks. In beta 9, set Old Sunrise at North in Eye Candy > World Candy > Sky Candy to No to fix this.


That's exactly what I did. Thanks for the mod <3