- 5
[FORGE] The game crashes when Splash Potions are thrown when this mod is installed
#57 opened by Daralexen05 - 0
[FABRIC] Duplicate pixels of the dirt background in the texture packs menu.
#56 opened by seriousfreezing - 1
[FORGE] Compatability Issue with Industrial Foregoing's tanks
#45 opened by DarkRTA - 2
[FORGE] Void Gui crash
#46 opened by TinyOff - 1
[FABRIC] Crash on startup in IDE
#48 opened by PlanetNINE-Dev - 2
[FABRIC] Lighting bug in the overworld
#52 opened by Zeldaboy14 - 1
[FABRIC] The "Disable Item Tooltips" parameter does not work.
#49 opened by FitchKrause - 3
[FABRIC] "Old Water Lighting" reintroduces smooth water lighting bug with Sodium.
#50 opened by EpicGamer42069Fortnite - 4
[FABRIC] Create puts game into infinte mojang logo Loop
#51 opened by Vincent392 - 1
[FORGE] Visual Overhaul Incompatibility: Crash on Settings GUI Button Press
#53 opened by Sarund9 - 1
[FORGE] The player cannot eat if they have a shield in their offhand with classic food enabled (No hunger and food restore HP)
#54 opened by Daralexen05 - 2
[FORGE] Game crashing after trying to edit settings
#55 opened by PlatFrog - 2
[FABRIC] LunarClient Compatibilty
#58 opened by yyuhdev - 1
[FORGE] improve mod compatiblity by cancelling forge events
#59 opened by AlexModGuy - 1
[FORGE] Server Crashes on Launch
#60 opened by captinwill - 3
#61 opened by Mixces - 2
[NEO/FORGE][1.20.1] Nostalgic Tweaks breaks cloud fog blending AND obstructs clouds with fog at the same time?
#62 opened by VOLKOUL - 2
[FABRIC] Cannot load all tweaks in "Gameplay" tab and most tweaks in "Animation"
#64 opened by brine-egg - 1
[FORGE] Crash with structures generating on server
#63 opened by Krunchee164 - 1
[FABRIC] Incompatibility with Controlify results in a crash
#66 opened by MonochromeOS - 1
[FABRIC] Minecraft crashes on startup with the new beta.
#65 opened by MonochromeOS - 1
[FORGE] Unable to join vanilla servers, unlike Fabric version
#67 opened by Sky-rym - 3
[FABRIC] Makes Bumblezone super dark by not respecting the ambient lighting values in the dimension type
#68 opened by TelepathicGrunt - 4
[FABRIC] Tooltip text not visible when viewing list of datapacks
#73 opened by seriousfreezing - 2
[FABRIC] With Embeddium/Sodium crashes
#69 opened by seriousfreezing - 1
[FABRIC] Sodium + Ferrite Core Crash Game when Joining World
#70 opened by Carl-Kabat - 1
[FABRIC] Hitbox Outline makes Texture underneath Invisible with Iris enabled
#71 opened by Carl-Kabat - 1
[FABRIC] trident doesn't work while it's raining with riptide (not in a water block)
#72 opened by NPC-Master3304 - 2
[FABRIC] Sodium 0.6 crash on world join with "Old Water Lighting" enabled
#74 opened by helpimnotdrowning - 1
[FABRIC] Player name tags don't render when "Old Name Tags" option is turned on
#75 opened by nenamoree9 - 1
[FABRIC] Conflict with sky mods
#76 opened by VindSole - 3
[FABRIC] Critting doesn't work even when enabled
#77 opened by Glinckey - 1
[FABRIC] Swimming out of water while still holding the sprint key allows sprinting even with "Prevent Sprinting : Yes"
#78 opened by bobbybobbinsons - 2
[FABRIC] Always Aggressive Iron Golems
#79 opened by TheDarkPanther - 1
[FABRIC] - Crashing randomly [Encountered exception while building chunk meshes]
#82 opened by LCS980 - 2
[FABRIC] Remove Mipmap Texturing feature enabled on every startup, even when set to disabled
#80 opened by VeggeieDude - 2
[SHADERS] north sunrise incompatible with some shaders
#83 opened by Barerock - 1
[FABRIC] Classic Attack Swing is missing its rotation
#81 opened by coyo-t - 2
Wont launch[FORGE]
#84 opened by nameadadadadada - 1
[FABRIC] Crashes when entering world.
#85 opened by zaidenCo - 2
disabling dirt background enables panorama even if it's disabled by another mod
#86 opened by TheAwesome98-Real - 0
[FABRIC] Crash when deleting multiple entries from 'Full Block Hitbox Outline' list at once
#87 opened by Carl-Kabat - 1
[FABRIC] ❗ Resource pack download screen doesn't render, softlocking the game
#88 opened by Mirsario - 1
[FORGE] Incompatibility with immersive engineering
#89 opened by HumanF91R - 1
[FORGE] crash on world creation and unable to join existing worlds
#95 opened by Quadruplay - 1
[FABRIC--FORGE--NEOFORGE] Valkyrien skies 2 ships have no sound on them with nostalgic tweaks installed.
#97 opened by hl2jeep - 3
[FABRIC] Decorated Pots incorrectly render as 2D
#98 opened by BlueStaggo - 2
[FABRIC] Game Crashes on Launch
#99 opened by autumnly24 - 2
[FORGE] Crash on dropped Modded armor / item rendering
#100 opened by JimBimBum - 1
[FABRIC] Game crashes when Sodium is present
#101 opened by LOKO-brasil