Not Enough Characters

Not Enough Characters


If you don't speak Chinese, I suppose this is not for you.

This mod adds the capability to search Chinese characters with Pinyin in NEI. It also backported some searching features from JEI.

It's intended to use alongside with NEI-2.0.0-GTNH, a modified version of NEI. It might work on legacy NEI, but not guaranteed.


1. Search chinese characters with Pinyin or their leading letters. For example: yshiysh matches 夜视药水

2. Search for multiple keywords separated by space. For example: ysys pj matches 喷溅型夜视药水

3. The keyword with @ prefix matches mod. For example: @tcons hnt matches 混凝土 from Tinker's Construct

4. The keyword with $ prefix matches ore dictionary. For example, $ingithot matches all GT hot ingots.

5. The keyword with & prefix matches item id.


This mod depends heavily on PinIn, a library that matches Chinese characters with pinyin, developed by the author of Just Enough Characters.

All glory be to JECh!

==== 汉语介绍 ====

这个 mod 能让 1.7.10 中的 NEI 用拼音来搜索汉字,并且移植了一些 JEI 的搜索功能进来。

此 mod 预期在 GTNH 整合包接手开发的 NEI-2.0.0 上工作。它或许也在原版 NEI 1.x 上工作,但我不对此作任何保证。


1. 用全拼、首字母混合搜索汉字,如「夜视药水」可用 yshiysh 搜索到

2. 用空格分割搜索关键字,如「喷溅型夜视药水」可用 ysys pjx 搜索到

3. @ 前缀的关键字匹配 mod,如匠魂中的「混凝土」可用 @tcon hnt 搜索到

4. $ 前缀的关键字匹配矿物辞典,如所有的 GT 热金属锭可用 $ingothot 搜索到

5. & 前缀的关键字匹配物品 ID


此 mod 的核心功能基于 JustEnoughCharacters 的作者开发的拼音匹配工具 PinIn。感谢他出色的工作!