Numbered Wall Signs

Numbered Wall Signs


Picture of train station platform, focused on two platform signs that say "2" and "3"

About the mod:

While building, I found a gap in decor I needed, I figured it was a simple mod to make, so I whipped this up.

Adds a handful of items to make numbered signs for train station platforms, or any other wall-mounted numbering needs.


Adds 28 new items:

-Plain black and white signs

-Black and White signs ranging from 0-9

-Variety of signposts for mounting signs on top of posts

A picture showing all the blocks in the mod

Includes recipes for all items:

Blank Signposts can be crafted with two iron ingots and four iron nuggets.

Single, Dual, Corner, Tri, and Quad signposts can be crafted by adding iron to a blank signpost.

Blank wall signs can be crafted with three iron, five iron nuggets, and black or white wool.

Wall signs can be placed into the crafting grid to switch to the next numbered sign.

Blank wall signs can also be dyed black or white.


A screenshot showing all the crafting recipes in the mod.

Feel free to leave any suggestions or use this in a mod pack. Just make sure the mod and I are credited somewhere.