Mudkip's ObsidianPlus Mod - An Obsidian with a Plus

Mudkip's ObsidianPlus Mod - An Obsidian with a Plus


An Obsidian with a Plus.

Overview: This is a MCreator project mod that adds not only Obsidian tools and armory in Minecraft, but also Obsidianized blocks and materials like Obsidian Bricks and Glowing Obsidian. If you have extra Obsidian and Diamonds to spare, that is all you need to start off with making your very own set of tools made out of Obsidian. Simply put Obsidian into your furnace to receive a scrap. In a similar crafting fashion to Netherite, you use 4 Obsidian scraps and 4 Diamonds to craft an ingot. That ingot can be used to upgrade your Diamond tools, weapons, and armor using the smithing table. Like Netherite, Obsidian tools and armor are much stronger than Diamond. Their durability is 2031, while armor is between 407 to 592.

Crafting Recipes:

In order to get Obsidian Scrap, cook your Obsidian block into a furnace:

Then you use the Obsidian Scraps and Diamonds to craft an Obsidian Ingot

With your Obsidian Ingots, you can now turn your Diamond gear into Obsidian Gear!

Obsidian Pickaxe

Obsidian Sword

Obsidian Chestplate

Obsidian Ingots can obviously be used to craft a Block of Obsidian

Obsidian Bricks:

Obsidian Brick Fence:

Obsidian Glass(you can craft Glass Pane as well):

Obsidianized Glowstone Dust:

Obsidianized Glowstone:

Polished Obsidian:

Glowing Obsidian:

You can craft Crying Obsidian with some Obsidian and Ghast Tears:

Smelt Polished Obsidian to get Smooth Obsidian:

Regular Obsidian can be crafted into Slabs, Stairs, and Walls(yes, the recipes also work in the crafting table)!

Various Polished Obsidian decorations:

Various decorations for Obsidian Bricks:


-Textures made to not look lazy(MCreator originally gave me textures that look like Netherite items. You know what I did next.)

-Obsidian Pickaxe, Shovel, Axe, Hoe, and Sword.

-Obsidian Scrap, Ingot, and a Block(made from ingots obviously). Unlike the Block of Netherite, the Block of Obsidian is dragon-proof!

-Obsidian Armor, which a full set grants you fire resistance. The Chestplate has a familiar face of a dragon.

-An extra feature is you can now craft Crying Obsidian using Obsidian in the middle and 4 Ghast Tears.

A full set Obsidian Armor grants you Fire Resistance:

A quick build demonstrating decoration materials with Obsidian:

Vanilla Obsidian is missing though, but here are some blocks shown here:

A beacon fully constructed with only Blocks of Obsidian. Now here's a difficult challenge for you without cheating...

Known issues(they will be fixed in future updates):

-No known issues. Hooray!

Future Additions:

-Obsidian Lodestone(I will not make a Respawn Anchor, as the overworld already has one; It's called a Bed.)

-Something useful with Obsidian, not sure yet.

-Structures with Obsidian Decoration Blocks.

This mod can also be used freely in modpacks.