Obsidian Ores

Obsidian Ores


Obsidian Ores adds an obsidian version of all vanilla ores that give you more resources! They spawn in your world just like any other ore but are slightly more rare than their vanilla counterparts. They have the properties of obsidian, meaning they can't be blown up and must be mined with Diamond Pickaxe or equal. This mod is a fun way to spice up your Minecraft mining experience!

Want more out of the Obsidian Ores mod??? Try out the Obsidian Food Ores mod!

Looking for an older version or beta build? Check out my unreleased mod versions here. As of 1.16, I have added support for the Faithful 32x32 resourcepack! If you would prefer these snazzy looking ores, than download the resourcepack extension here as well as the instructions!

All the ores in 1.15.2

With the Faithful 32x32 Resouce Pack Extension:

All the ores in 1.15.2