A Minecraft Forge 1.7.10- mod for obtaining unobtainable blocks. Implements a feature that already exists in Minecraft: Manual registration of ItemBlocks. By using that feature, unobtainable (technical) blocks can be obtained with /give command, without any exception. Some of them has weird behavior: For instance, air (#0000) drops from certain mobs, and attempting to obtain a pointable technical block which does not have an ItemReed with Pick Block will result in air item.
This mod is licensed with Gnu General Public License 3.0 (or in another words, All Rights Reversed). Modification, decompliation, reposting is allowed but relicensing with a more restrictive license is not allowed. Further documentation is in LICENSE file.
Using this mod is very easy: Just try to obtain a technical block ItemBlock with its numerical ID which is removed in 13w37a with /give command, it works. Piston head and moving piston cannot be placed, sorry for that. Air can be placed only where there is a replacable block.