================= SERVER GUIDE =================
1. Locate your configuration file (/world/serverconfig/serverofflinewhitelist.toml) (ON SERVER!)
2. Add your users to the file and their passwords (NOT REAL PASSWORDS) Generate them here https://proton.me/pass/password-generator. Do not use special characters, only numbers and letters.
3. Format them like THIS!
userpasswords = ["stabbyeli:1234", "codinghuman:insertpasswordhere", "RDJX3:password", "username:password"]
4. Send your friends the passwords you generated for them! (or that they generated for you – it can work either way.)
================= CLIENT GUIDE =================
1. Locate your configuration file (Modpackdir/config/clientofflinewhitelist.toml)
2. Add the password you generated (or the one the owner of the server generated for you.)
3. Format it like this
passcode = "mypasscode"
4. JOIN THE SERVER!!! If your password is valid, of course!
Q: Why would I wanna add this to my offline server?
A: Well, first of all, whitelist doesn’t work for offline servers! And if it did, it wouldn’t even matter – you can change your name to ANYTHING on offline (which means they can change their name to the server owner and get op!) With this, there’s a unique password for each user, so you can’t just become ANYONE!
Q: Why not just a /login command?
A: Login commands are for servers that don’t have mods. Yours clearly does, and login commands are ANNOYING! Once you’ve got this set up, you can completely forget about it!
Q: Will you update?
A: Maybe......
Q: How does it work?
A: To simplify it. Your client sends a packet to the server basically asking "Is this a valid password?" then the server looks at your username and the password you requested and checks if it fits any of the usernames and passwords and if it DOESNT it doesnt let you in.
Thanks for downloading my mod!