The worlds within Minecraft offer a variety of structures, but little story alongside them. Most of Minecraft's lore is up to interpretation, letting the player create the story.
Old Lore serves to build upon that by adding more structures that the player can find, from player homes to trees and small farms.
Structures Available:
Player Homes
Apiarists Home
A small home for a player, with 1 bed, but also several beehives. Serves as a nice home for any bee enthusiasts.
Found in: Plains
Norse Home
Home for 2 players, with two beds, that has a lot of storage opportunity. Includes a campfire, crafting table, furnaces, and barrels.
Found in: Snowy Tundra
Jungle Tree House
Home built within a custom jungle tree that has a couple of different lootable chests. Good for players who find themselves in a jungle.
Found in: Jungle
Adobe Home
A red home with a bed and storage space. Features a built-in water source and viewing platform.
Found in: Deserts and Badlands
Old Structures
A small stone structure, with a fire coral on top.
Found in: Plains, Forest, Swamp, and Jungles
Carrot Farm
An old overgrown farm, with a couple of small carrot plots.
Found in: Plains and Forests
Wheat Farm
An old overgrown wheat farm.
Found in: Plains and Forests
Potato Farm
An old overgrown potato farm.
Found in: Plains and Forests
A lost raft left drifting on the ocean.
Found in: Oceans
Cave in
A small stretch of mine, both sides are closed off and long abandoned.
Found in: Underground
Mysterious Pyramid
Found in: Deserts
Merchant Ship
A trader's ship, the animals are still on board.
Found in: Oceans
Overgrown Ruin
A broken stone structure, a tree has found its home inside. What could it of been?
Found in: Forests
Old Gatehouse
A broken-down gatehouse, some of the outer walls still stand, what could it of guarded?
Found in: Forests
Broken Caravan
A broken-down caravan, some of the roof is missing, wheels are gone.
Found in: Plains, Forests, Taigas, and Swamps
A high tower, able to look across landscapes.
Found in: Plains, Forests, Taigas, and Swamps
Forest Altar
A strange altar, red-stained grounds, overrun by nature, what was your use?
Found in: Forests.
Pumpkin Farm
A small plot of land for normal pumpkins, nothing special?
Found in: Plains and Forests.
Old Spruce
A large spruce tree can be found among normal spruce trees.
Found in: Taigas
Hanging Tree
A large oak tree, with chains hanging from branches.
Found in: Plains and Forests.
Old Jungle
A large jungle tree, a perfect spot for a home above the canopies.
Found in: Jungles
Hot Springs
Warm water against the cold surroundings.
Found in: Snowy Tundras
Large Mushroom (red)
A large red mushroom.
Found in: Mushroom Fields
From now on, past the 6/13/2021 update, updates will be happening more rarely, instead of the previous 2-3 days. Updates will most likely be larger with a focus on a certain theme.
Also, the Flora category has been replaced with Nature, separating old structures from natural ones.
Plan to add:
- Ability to spawn in structures
- More flora
- A battlefield
If you have any ideas for extra builds or suggestions, comment on your idea. Build's that I think would be interesting will be added to the mod.
This mod was made using the program MCreator, this isn't a paid promotion, I just really liked how it made it much easier to make.
My Links:
Planet Minecraft
Discord Group - for anyone interested in the mod and future updates.