One Piece X

One Piece X

items v1.5.0

items v1.5.0

Grappling Hook

Grappling Hook

from v1.6
rice crops in the swamp biome

rice crops in the swamp biome

rice ball can be crafted from rice and dried kelp
iron jaw + axe-hand

iron jaw + axe-hand

Captain Morgan's Set
Alvida's iron mace

Alvida's iron mace

colorable hats

colorable hats

colorable koby glasses

colorable koby glasses

from 1.6
straw hat with katana

straw hat with katana

colorable bandana

colorable bandana

marine hat

marine hat

colorable headband + rifle

colorable headband + rifle

ship structures on sea

ship structures on sea

Flag Blocks

Flag Blocks

faction chooser

faction chooser

marine clothes

marine clothes

logo creator screen

logo creator screen





large row boat

large row boat

Luffy clothes set

Luffy clothes set