One World Folder

One World Folder


One World Folder

A minecraft fabric mod, that allows minecraft to access the default saves folder located in .minecraft. To open the world select screen click on the OneWorldFolder icon next to the Singleplayer button.

Default Config

By default one world folder will automatically detect the default saves folder located in .minecraft. This can be changed in the config. The generated default config looks like this:

	"external_saves_directory": "--auto-detect",
	"priority": -1,
	"replace_owf_and_singleplayer_button": false

Config Location

There are two possible locations for this config file:

  • .minecraft/config/oneworldfolder/oneworldfolder.json
  • currentMinecraftInstanceFolder/config/oneworldfolder/oneworldfolder.json

The config with the highest priority will be used.

Custom external saves folder

To use a custom saves folder set external_saves_directory to your desired directory:

	"external_saves_directory": "C:/Users/username/mycoolsaves",
	"priority": -1,
	"replace_owf_and_singleplayer_button": false