- 15
Add vertical view distance
#519 opened by NotStirred - 4
Add a proper Cube save format
#512 opened by NotStirred - 2
Implement TileEntities
#513 opened by NotStirred - 1
Implement proper WorldGen
#514 opened by NotStirred - 3
Implement Heightmaps
#511 opened by NotStirred - 1
Make CC run outside of dev environment
#515 opened by NotStirred - 1
Redo loading screen
#516 opened by NotStirred - 3
Properly release CC Tickets
#521 opened by NotStirred - 2
Fix heightmap crash when placing blocks above 512
#525 opened by NotStirred - 1
Fix player dying below -64
#522 opened by NotStirred - 1
Implement 1.12.2 spawn location finding
#523 opened by NotStirred - 1
Move entities from Chunk to Cube
#526 opened by NotStirred - 3
streams incompatibility - Latest from curse forge
#527 opened by deadspidervenom - 2
Investigate ChunkHolders being null with optimised cube loading
#530 opened by NotStirred - 5
compatibility with command-o-matic
#533 opened by sazuko07 - 1
Custom Cubic world "customize" option disabled
#534 opened by sazuko07 - 6
[1.15] Crash on Cube unload after rename to BigCube
#539 opened by AidanLovelace - 2
Ability to modify height-based sky effects/fog
#542 opened by muzikbike - 2
Rewrite vanilla world gen to further utilise infinite height (addon mod?)
#543 opened by muzikbike - 1
Blocks below y=-512 act weirdly
#544 opened by muzikbike - 1
Investigate CubePrimerWrapper getting to CubeSerializer
#547 opened by NotStirred - 1
Redirect all dirty modifications from chunk to the appropriate cube
#546 opened by NotStirred - 1
Swimming doesn't work when y<0
#549 opened by NotStirred - 2
Investigate Server Light always being 0, While Client Light reports the expected values
#548 opened by NotStirred - 8
Fix server performance with CC when loading several chunks
#551 opened by muzikbike - 3
Fix being kicked from the world above 30 million blocks
#553 opened by muzikbike - 1
Only Stone will generate below Y = 0.
#550 opened by MakeshiftMelon - 4
Fix pistons not pushing down at y=1
#565 opened by muzikbike - 2
Cannot place 2-tall flowers at y=255 or above
#566 opened by muzikbike - 1
Beacons don't work below Y:0 and above Y:256
#568 opened by OverInfrared - 1
[request] possible fabric port?
#571 opened by BuyMyMojo - 1
Fix loading screen percentage
#580 opened by NotStirred - 0
Implement random ticks
#581 opened by NotStirred - 2
World border does not render below y=0 / above y=512
#584 opened by muzikbike - 1
Fix biome/regional difficulty not showing up in F3 above y=255 / below y=0
#585 opened by muzikbike - 1
Startup crash (Without CubicWorldGen)
#587 opened by PH0ENIX222 - 1
Add javadoc for methods in Coords class. Possibly rename some too
#588 opened by NotStirred - 2
Debug Vis doesnt work
#590 opened by NotStirred - 0
Building height limit not removed
#592 opened by Monniasza - 4
OpenCubicChunks 1.12.2 Server IllegalStateException: Called begin() in unclean state! Did you forget to call end()?
#594 opened by ColaIan - 4
OpenCubicChunks 1.12.2 Server IllegalStateException: TickNextTick list out of synch
#595 opened by ColaIan - 17
OpenCubicChunks 1.12.2 Server ConcurrentModificationException
#596 opened by ColaIan - 1
OpenCubicChunks 1.12.2 Server ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
#597 opened by ColaIan - 0
Weird behaviour from mod.
#601 opened by KubiRemPL - 3
CC and worldpainter after new light fixes
#602 opened by KubiRemPL - 0
Compat problem with Pollution Of the Realms
#605 opened by KubiRemPL - 10
Cube/Chunk generation issue on changing render distance
#610 opened by NotStirred - 3
Rendering Overviewer Maps
#611 opened by KarmCraft - 2
New build height settings in 20w49a (1.17)
#612 opened by kristibektashi - 2
[Suggestion: Compatability Mode] Dimension Chunk Stacking
#613 opened by Notawallplan