mod is work in progress, use at your own risk and make backups of your world before!
This mod depends on Commons0815 Library if your Launcher doesnt support autodownload for dependencies you have to get the library by yourself.
About the mod:
The Mod allows to upgrade Entities (Players, Mobs or Minecarts)
The upgrades are installed by using the OpenEntity Tool on a Entity...
supported upgrades:
- Authority (is required for other interfaces)
- Cosmetic (actually only supports glow through the opencomputers integration)
- Energy (adds a energybuffer to the entity which can charge your armor/inventory and other interfaces)
- Equipment (allows access to equipment slots, give your pet skeleton some armor ;))
- Experience (collects XP and provides a XP Magnet, more XP gives you benefits on other upgrades)
- Fluids (adds tanks to your entity which allow to suck/drop fluids, tank/bucket interaction is on the todo list)
- Hotkeys (provides quick access to Mod features, which can be bound to several actions ingame)
- Info (provides entity informations and some features like renaming of mobs)
- Inventory (adds a inventory, kinda like a backpack)
- OpenComputers (opencomputers support for everything \o/)
- Redstone (read redstone signals of blocks around the entity)
- Social (teach your entity to avoid/follow specific entities)
- Teleport (entity teleportation at the cost of enderpearls)
Feel free to use the GitHub issue tracker for suggestions
optional OpenComputers support, requires version 1.7.0+ for MC 1.12
credits / thanks
@gigaherz & ordinastie for their help and patience ;)
@autors/teams of the following mods for sharing their source
@forge team for providing a solid modding API =)