- 2
Crash Thallium
#35 opened by Miros77 - 3
infinite generation of the world by lithium
#36 opened by Miros77 - 1
More Enchantments compatibility
#37 opened by 0xfeeddeadbeef - 1
Single Chests invisible
#38 opened by donnamarie787 - 1
Crashing on Chunk Generation
#39 opened by fadillzzz - 5
Crash with OptiFabric v1.5.0 on multiplayer servers
#42 opened by MaelstromDota - 1
Sodium compatibility issue
#40 opened by Atomibus - 1
version 1.5. crashes while 1.4.10 was fine when also having the clickthrough mod installed
#41 opened by Gorrrg - 0
Crashes while render with limitless mod!!
#44 opened by Trirez - 3
Crashes when running the Mubble mod.
#43 opened by KirbyKid256 - 2
Incompatibility with MoEnchants mod for fabric.
#46 opened by JoSo1997 - 0
ME Drive texture broken in AoF 3
#45 opened by Caridmum - 1
optifabric shaders problems
#49 opened by Mitpatel2003 - 3
Update for 1.16.3
#50 opened by ftrocchi - 2
Lambdacontrols bug
#51 opened by AccountofShame - 4
Letters won't show up at all (1.16.1)
#52 opened by InsaanNotFound - 2
Update to 1.16.3
#53 opened by Blueil - 1
Optifabric crashing with Inmis 1.16.1
#54 opened by DapperCore - 3
1.6.2 is crashing the game when using optifine 1.16.3 HD U G3
#61 opened by LDH23M - 1
the game crashes because of optifabric , on the red loading page
#62 opened by Frostash - 0
OptiFabric 1.6.2 isn't launching Optifine 1.16.3_HD_U_G3
#56 opened by TendraCat - 1
Randomly crashing with this Crash Report
#57 opened by joegriffin2000 - 9
Game Loading
#58 opened by GreyWolfGamingHQ - 3
Carpet mod
#59 opened by Konradius8167 - 2
1.16.2 crashing with Mo'Enchantments.
#60 opened by ShadowWolfBR - 2
VoxelMap compatibility
#63 opened by 0xfeeddeadbeef - 2
Hungerbar Invisible
#64 opened by DJTobi1Kenobi - 1
Crash Incompatibility with Tech Reborn
#65 opened by EclecticFruit - 1
1.16.2-3 w/108 mods modpack works greately alone but Optifabric
#66 opened by Misterboy64 - 1
Just a small message.
#67 opened by DranDivine - 3
Incompatibility with Sildur's shaders (1.16.3)
#68 opened by nielsmittertreiner - 1
Incompatibility with IMBlocker
#69 opened by Sanluli36li - 0
VoxelMap Compatibility Issues
#70 opened by iCaitlyn - 13
minecraft can't find the .jar file in the mods folder
#71 opened by nitaz - 3
So the sodium fabric mod isn't compatible with the optifabric mod?
#72 opened by Aw-lab - 4
Error transforming Optifine
#73 opened by Icecat113 - 1
Possible Compatibility issue with other mods (log file)
#74 opened by Misterboy64 - 4
Optifabric wont load and crashes every time i start it
#75 opened by iRa11star - 4
Issue with Optifabric
#76 opened by MangoTangoMan12 - 2
can't load it
#77 opened by SteavenGamerYT - 1
slower than optifine
#78 opened by zxcdevlop - 0
Remove the Chat Heads compat
#79 opened by dzwdz - 1
Crash incompatibly with Origins 0.4.0-0.4.1
#80 opened by XSilverBerryX - 1
Silently fails to start when using `java.awt.headless=false`
#81 opened by magneticflux- - 1
lambdacontrols crashes game when optifabric is loaded
#82 opened by rrzem - 2
Fails to launch
#83 opened by vinnyg0621 - 2
Game Crash on World load
#84 opened by TheEkion - 3
Problem with Shaders
#85 opened by Fuelax - 4
Game crashes
#86 opened by vinnyg0621 - 1
Crash on start
#87 opened by Zarpyk