- 1
OptiFabric 1.16.5 & OptiFine_1.16.5_HD_U_G7 Error "Failed to remap Jar"
#247 opened by NSpecial0608 - 0
Incompatibility with Origins mod
#248 opened by C0DEHADES - 2
Game won't start
#249 opened by aesfsefseefsfsf - 2
Incompatible with Roughly Enough Item
#250 opened by Mooonblaze - 1
Problems with either Architectury or rei(Note: this is mainly for awareness of the priority)
#252 opened by emeraldran - 3
Optifabric wont load with pojavlauncher
#253 opened by Blobanium - 1
incompatable with requiem
#254 opened by JDisaster - 2
Incompatible with RoughlyEnoughItemsFabric
#255 opened by SleazzyRat - 1
Game won't start w/ OptiFabric
#251 opened by Ereshkigal101 - 1
Optifine File problems
#257 opened by timerunner16 - 4
1.17 crashing
#258 opened by Vixen197 - 8
1.17 crash with optifabric and architectury, cloth-api, cloth-config and light-overlay
#259 opened by Gxinz - 1
Optifabric fail
#256 opened by Gleb234435 - 7
Optifabric crashes apon entering the nether in 1.17
#260 opened by Thatengineerl - 6
1.17: Error modifying Optifine-mapped.jar
#261 opened by aeakett - 1
1.17 Game start up crash with Origins 1.0.0
#263 opened by fayeispro - 3
Possible 1.11 Regression
#264 opened by greensad - 1
1.17: Game crashes on launch
#265 opened by GeneShogo - 2
Runs but Shaders button is Greyed out
#266 opened by AlisterGontineac - 1
Chest render issues
#267 opened by unmoving-javi - 3
Error transforming Optifine-mod.jar
#268 opened by brunoman4006 - 0
#269 opened by DbHCwhMF - 3
Crash with AdoptOpenJDK 16
#270 opened by ThexXTURBOXx - 1
Optifabric wont start with Immersive-Portals 1.17
#262 opened by joedvonch - 0
Crash when I make a screenshot
#272 opened by NoltoxGit - 1
The requested compatibility level JAVA_16 is higher than the level supported by the active subsystem 'Knot/Fabric' which supports JAVA_14.
#273 opened by Sokkacraft - 2
Incompatible with isometric renders
#271 opened by boasbakker - 3
error code 0 : Unable to start minecraft (1.16.5)
#276 opened by Oytoch - 1
Issue with Xaeros Minimap
#277 opened by Mathead253 - 1
Bootlooping With optifabric and first person model [1.17 only]
#278 opened by Blobanium - 2
Cant Even Start
#274 opened by thekryptonianmd - 2
Cant Click on Shaders
#275 opened by thekryptonianmd - 1
Shaders are not compatible with the Satin mod
#279 opened by 4s-ary - 1
1.14.2 Optifabric Issue
#280 opened by NNVO - 10
will not open with origins (1.17)
#281 opened by lamp-posts - 0
Optifabric Not Supporting Bits and Chisels
#282 opened by emeraldran - 6
[1.17] Returning to overworld freezes client
#283 opened by velnias75 - 1
[1.17]Crashes when picking up items
#284 opened by Raionblade - 0
it said failed to remap in 1.17 optifine pre 22 on optifabric
#285 opened by mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmaly - 1
[1.17] OptiFabric incompatible with Staff of Building
#287 opened by fabiobaser - 1
[QUESTION] Can another mod create a mixin that accesses Optifine classes?
#288 opened by Eilux - 2
For some reason Optifabric conflicts with Origins
#289 opened by OneTrain73 - 2
Optifabric and Origins mod are not compatible on the most recent versions
#286 opened by Amerdisiac - 1
i get this issue with latest version of optifabric and fine
#290 opened by Maxb0tbeep - 0
Corruption error message on launch
#291 opened by TinkTheTank - 2
OptiFabric doesn't work with Origins.
#292 opened by ZaneFlynt01 - 0
Optifabric 1.17 Incompatible w/Aether Reborn ("injection failure")
#293 opened by MindForged - 7
Maybe incompatible with 1.17.1 preview releases
#294 opened by akyag - 2
There Was An Error Loading OptiFabric
#296 opened by NuclearWessel5 - 1
Crashes 1.17
#295 opened by HexRegulus