- 2
Failed to load the game
#842 opened by Tenta-dev - 0
#840 opened by lklhlk - 7
Failed To Load Optifine
#841 opened by ELIJAHNATOR - 0
#833 opened by msCharlis - 1
1.19 optifabric isnt working
#835 opened by MasterlinkYT - 3
1.16.5 Failed to load OptiFabric
#836 opened by al3x-001 - 2
[1.19] Crash when rendering some Supplementaries objects
#837 opened by JLUsr - 2
Failed to load optifine ( sorry idk how to do this) i am trying to use it on curseforge app
#838 opened by notchris12 - 2
OptiFabric crash exit code: 1 (1.18.2)
#839 opened by silvertheidiot - 3
Crashing 1.19
#860 opened by gramograz - 2
Crashing on 1.19.2 with optifabric-1.13.15.jar
#861 opened by juliocoliveira - 2
1.19 Instant Crash on all 3 versions
#843 opened by NightfireKalos - 2
CEM broken on optifabric 1.19
#844 opened by plushycat - 2
OptiFine 1.19.1 does not load... OptiFabric itself works fine tho.
#845 opened by dagniuskasoje - 3
OptiFabric 1.19.1 fails to load with MultiMC
#847 opened by username1227iscool - 1
1.19 crashes when trying to join a game
#848 opened by AetherCyril - 0
Optifabric crashes with "Sandwichable" mod(Mod incompatibility)
#849 opened by potatolover68 - 3
I'll wait for 1.19.2
#852 opened by ZMGrey - 2
1.18.2 worlds not loading with FabricAPI
#853 opened by triiple3 - 0
#854 opened by yoavsteyner - 0
#856 opened by yoavsteyner - 0
#855 opened by yoavsteyner - 2
#857 opened by mohamad1308 - 0
Why wont it launch
#858 opened by LeafuChan - 1
Batching Chunks Error(Only occurs with optifabric using optifine shaders but not with Sodium+Iris)
#859 opened by Tawhirimatea5 - 0
batching chunks error 1.18.2
#877 opened by djsimmonds - 0
Optifine and Optifabric clones itself, causing the "cant have more than one Optifine" error to appear.
#863 opened by FredDoesStuff - 1
cant launch fabric
#862 opened by Seal077 - 1
OptiFabric 1.19.2 Won't Load
#864 opened by LOTSOFPYRO - 0
Crashes when I attempt to change perspective
#865 opened by malt124 - 3
Crash on initial client load Due to Indigo
#866 opened - 0
How to fix this error
#867 opened by kirogito - 4
Game Crashed
#870 opened by Decruce - 2
Crashes whenever pistons are working in redstone machines.
#871 opened by Aculoss - 7
1.19 game crash log
#872 opened by gramograz - 2
crash my minecraft 1.16.5
#873 opened by misha12top - 2
Crash while initializing 1.19.2 - mixin problem
#874 opened by MIHR413 - 1
1.19.2 OptiFabric collision with JEI
#875 opened by sean22922 - 0
failed to load OptiFine 1.17.1
#876 opened by ElseLily1130 - 1
Game Crashed on boot with latest of everything crash is adverted when Optifine is not present
#878 opened by OPcouchpotato - 0
#879 opened by ertrkerkew - 0
When loading into world loading stops at 100% 1.18.2
#880 opened by Tobloxxx - 0
«Show Me Your Skin!» mod crashes the game with optifabric
#881 opened by ttrafford7 - 1
- 1
Crash on Minecraft 1.19.2
#883 opened by fukucrys - 0
1.16.5 Crash
#884 opened by wexqqq - 0
ghdvdhhb cnj
#885 opened by pro1111k - 1
#886 opened by AidynIsakhan04 - 1
чого я не можу зайти в майнкрафт?
#887 opened by DEN7X7 - 0
Crashing on 1.19.2; not sure if OptiFabric is the issue.
#888 opened by Drigonis