- 0
Crash when using 1.19 Optifabric with 1.19 Origins
#787 opened by atlock34 - 3
[Feature Request] Performance Removal
#788 opened by LarveyOfficial - 2
game crash report
#789 opened by Twinles - 2
Game Crash Report
#790 opened by imnotafk - 0
#791 opened by ZeTIX1 - 3
I cant load any single player worlds on version 1.18.2
#776 opened by MrTophatMan - 1
Error Loading OptiFabric (Error modifying OptiFine file)
#777 opened by uTyphoon - 8
Will not load properly with the newest version of sodium in 1.19
#778 opened by squidprobe21 - 2
1.19 Exception while loading entries for entrypoint 'mm:early_risers' (quilt api)
#781 opened by jplusc - 5
Optifabric crashing game
#782 opened by 0DarkShock0 - 10
Crash 1.19 + Origins
#783 opened by KernelN - 4
Initializing game
#784 opened by fily-gif - 2
Failed to load Optifine, please report this.
#785 opened by ichmagpizza11 - 12
Meeting a crash between Optfabric/Optfine/fabric(1.16.5)
#786 opened by SunsetRest - 6
OptiFine 1.19 HD U H9 not working with OptiFabric
#814 opened by AmbassadorLaZer - 5
Incompatible with Just Enough Items (JEI)
#811 opened by IntMarco - 5
Unknown crashing
#812 opened by GEkXD3 - 4
1.19.1 not compatible with optifabric
#813 opened by Majerier - 1
Optifine cape isnt working
#792 opened by MasterlinkYT - 1
There's problems with Optifabric & the PSWG mod for 1.19
#793 opened by Pontus95 - 4
Crash on game startup
#794 opened by GlorgusToe - 2
no me carga el nether
#795 opened by DaniloRincon07 - 0
Optifabric 1.18.2 Incompatible with Create and Bewitchment
#796 opened by Youhadabadday - 2
Optifabric incompatible with iris, sodium and lithium.
#797 opened by Dberg04 - 1
The game crashed whilst rendering entity in world
#798 opened by Neckitho - 1
Incompatible with multiconnect
#799 opened by smaks6 - 0
Mod compatibility: When using OptiFabric with OptiFine 1.19 HD U H8, enabling Debugify's fix for MC-112730 ("Beacon beam and structure block render twice per frame") will cause beacon beams to not render at all.
#801 opened by akemin-dayo - 4
Optifine Not DETECTED
#800 opened by G-Glafus - 2
Crashing with cmdkeybind-1.5.4-1.19
#803 opened by Gfiti - 4
Crashing on start with Fabric API installed
#805 opened by grobikkk - 3
Access Denied
#806 opened by yeeyee94784 - 1
Incompatibilities with All Of Fabric 5 Modpack mods
#809 opened by Combreaker - 2
Worlds not loading with optifabric
#810 opened by Chaiseki - 1
optifabric not compatible
#815 opened by CaptnSexy - 2
Optifabric incompatible with Fabric 1.19.1
#816 opened by Graghoon - 0
#817 opened by Mastercodingmaster - 0
1.16.5 optifabric fails to load optifine
#819 opened by enderman3367 - 7
Optifabric is not compatible with minecraft 1.19.1
#818 opened by silverslash89 - 8
Incompatible mod set! Error while trying to run 1.19 optifabric
#821 opened by PepegaGMR - 6
1.19 crash on startup
#822 opened by peterjolly - 2
OptiFine_1.19_HD_U_H9 + fabric-api-0.58.0+1.19 crushing
#823 opened by MrJakeMC - 5
Not compatible with 1.18.2 Create
#825 opened by MirraaaLiv - 20
Update to 1.19.2
#824 opened by creeperNoob303 - 1
Optifine HD U 8 or HU U 9 isn't compatible with optifabric
#826 opened by WinterScythe - 22
My Minecraft Instant Crashes (1.19)
#827 opened by THEHTNOEL - 1
OptiFabric still doesn't work
#828 opened by WinterScythe - 0
Not compatible with 1.19 JEI
#829 opened by Timey5Wimey - 2
1.18.1 instant crashes
#830 opened by Bey0ndTheVale - 3
[1.19.1] Minecraft Crashing
#831 opened by dxgi - 5
1.19.2 Crash
#832 opened by BoyceKRP