Ore downsing rods adds a rod that will help find your ores using some Flux (Forge Energy). The rod radius and tier can be upgraded: (Since the 1.11.2 version)
By enchanting the rod with efficiency will increase the rod radius. Each level will increase the size by 2 blocks by default.
Each tier can be increased by consuming ores, each ore type have a value to increase the tier progress.
Tier 1: It will show you what ores types are nearby
Tier 2: It will show you what ores are nerby and the distance to them
Tier 3: The rod will render the block outline without a specific color
Tier 4: It will render the block outline with the proper color
Ore configuration
You can configure how each ore works in a json that in the Ore dowsing configuration file. "oreDictionaryEntries" is a list of ores oreDictionary values in Forge, "color" is the color rendered in tier 4 and "value" is the points that will increase the rod tier progress
{ "oreDictionayEntries": [ "oreCoal" ], "color": { "red": 51, "green": 51, "blue": 51 }, "value": 4 }
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