![Ore Duplicators 2 [Discontinued]](https://media.forgecdn.net/avatars/thumbnails/358/507/256/256/637519391671726840.png)

Coal Tier 4

Coal Tier 1 - Crafting
You need: 4x Log (You can use any type of Log) 2x Cobblestone slab 1x Plank (You can use any type of Planks) 1x Diamond block 1x Furnace
Salt Desert - Structure 1

Coal Tier 3

Coal Tier 1

Redstone Gold Alloy - Crafting
You need: 1x Gold ingot 1x Redstone dust 1x Coal *You have to place it same way as the picture show you!
Coal Tier 5 - Crafting
You need: 5x Emerald block 2x Redstone-Gold-Alloy 1x Ore Duplicator Tier 4 1x Blastfurnace (Tha vanilla one!)
Coal Tier 4 - Crafting
You need: 5x Diamond block 2x Steel ingot 1x Ore Duplicator Tier 3 1x Blastfurnace (The vanilla one!)
Netherstar Block - Crafting
You need: 4x Netherstar *You can also craft this in you 2x2 grid
All block in the Mod

Lithium Steel Alloy - Crafting
You need: 1x Steel 1x Lithium dust 1x Coal *You have to place it same way as the picture show you!
Salt Desert - Structure 2

Blastfurnace with Crucible

Coal Tier 6

PCB - Crafting
You need: 3x Copper ingot 2x Redstone dust 2x Redstone Comparator 1x Green dye (cactus green) 1x Golden pressure plate
Coal Tier 6 - Crafting
You need: 2x Netherstar Block 2x Lithium-Steel-Alloy 2x Netherstar 1x Redstone-Gold-Alloy 1x Ore Duplicator Tier 5 1x Blastfurnace Heater
Coal Tier 2

Ore Duplicator 2 Logo

Steel - Crafting
You need: 2x Coal 1x Iron *You have to place it same way as the picture show you!
Salt Desert - Structure 3

Coal Tier 2 - Crafting
You need: 4x Iron Ingot 2x Planks (you can use any type of Planks) 1x Iron block 1x Ore Duplicator Tier 1 1x Blastfurnace (The vanilla one!)
Blastfurnace Heater - Crafting
You need: 3x Iron block 2x Smooth stone 2x Iron bar 1x Bucket
Blastdfurnace Crucible - Crafting
You need: 4x Smooth stone 3x Iron ingot 1x Smooth stone slab
Battery - Crafting
You need: 4x Iron ingot 2x Copper ingot 2x Lithium dust 1x Aluminum ingot
Coal Tier 3 - Crafting
You need: 3x Gold block 2x Iron ingot 2x Gold ingot 1x Ore Duplicator Tier 2 1x Blastfurnace (The vanilla one!)