About Ore Gen Anything:
This mod allows you to specify blocks or ores which you want to spawn via Worldgen in a specific dimension.
For example you may spawn Noteblocks all other the world, or fill the air with glowstone veins.
You want to make a really hard modpack? You could spawn lava source blocks in the air.
This is especially useful for Modpack authors or Servers.
The limit is only your creativity!
How to use:
You just specify a block you want to spawn (metadata is supported), the dimension id and a block you want to replace. When the world is generated your settings will be used.
This is done through an easy to use config (in json format).
Here is an example of a line of a config file. The file must have the name: "oreGen.json" and must be in the standard config folder. Each line can be another rule for ore spawning. This rule will spawn you veins of Bedrock in the air of the Overworld.
{"name":"BedrockAir", "dimension":0, "chanceToSpawn":20, "oreid":"minecraft:bedrock", "meta":0, "replaceid":"minecraft:air", "minVeinSize":3, "maxVeinSize":10, "minY":50, "maxY":150}
Example File (Yellorite and Uranium on the Moon Galacticraft Dim)
The config must exact these format and each line must be a new rule. Example files to use/edit will be added here.
Minecraft Block Ids can be found for example here: Minecraft Ids
For modded blocks you can use Waila to display exact ids or use MineTweaker ingame.
If you want to use this mod in your modpack/map, a message would be nice!
Best regards,