Ores and Materials

Ores and Materials


Hey guys!  This mod adds new tipes of ores and materials, with the following things: 

--- Ingots:

- Lead

- Silver

- Zinc

- Tin

- Platinum

- Nickel

--- Crystals (not working so well, so they'll be better in the future :) ) for geodes:

- Ruby

- Turquoise

- Emerald (Yes)

- Topaz

- Rose Quartz

--- Stones:

- Malachite

- Tiger Eye

- Sulfur

- Amber

--- Materials (with all variants):

- Alabaster

- Travertine

- Pomice

- Dolomite

- Marble (In the future i will add more vriants, like green, red, black...)

--- Custom Discs:

- Chorus

- Lushy  (not available)

- Axolotl Fanfare  (not available)

- Ghosted

- Below

- Mining

- Wastes  (not available)

- Wardened  (not available)

--- Structures:

- Mine Entrance

- Abandoned Castle

- Small geodes (blackstone, dolomite, crystal; Placeholder for 1.17 version)

- End Temple

- End Blossom

- Void Portal

- Void Statues (3 versions)

--- Dimension:

- Void Zone: an empty land after the time and space, where there's nothing, only some old statues and a hidden ore in its depths

--- New custom ore:

- Void Essence (if you wanted the enderite, well... that's something similar)

--- Necklaces

- Ruby necklace: strength

- Turquoise necklace: dolphin's grace

- Emerald necklace: Hero of the village

- Topaz necklace: Haste

- Rose Quartz necklace: Night vision

- Trapped Soul: Slow falling (placeholder)

--- Mobs:

- Slave soul

- Voidic presence

--- Ores variants

- Granite ore

- Diorite ore

- Andesite ore

I hope you will enjoy this little mod... because i work hard for it. Enjoy! (P.S. If this mod goes well, i will make a 1.1 update for it, with new ores, new materials, new color of marble, new mobs, new biomes...!)