Why do creepers explode?
To spread their spores and make more creepers, of course!
With this mod, creepers no longer spawn out of thin air. They actually grow from Creeper Plants, which can be found throughout the world.
All creeper explosions now spread Creeper Spores. Any Creeper Spore that lands on grass or dirt will grow into an entirely new Creeper Plant.
Don't want creepers wandering around? Better dig up all those Creeper Plants!
This mod will be compatible with the 1.12+ TerraFirmaCraft port if/when it is ever released.
It will probably not work with any other mod that replaces Vanilla grass/dirt blocks.
Any mod that has its own creeper variants should continue to function as normal.
Rights and Limitations
I'm releasing this under the MIT License, so you can do pretty much whatever you want with this mod as long as you're not a jerk about it.
You want to put it into a ModPack? Go right ahead.
You want to backport the mod to Minecraft v1.2.1? That's a little weird, but you do you.
# Configuration file
general {
# The radius in blocks Creeper Plant will check to see if there are already too many creepers in the area to spawn more (number of creepers is set by biome)
# Min: 0
# Max: 128
# Enable spore generation from creeper explosions
# Enable spread of Creeper Plants without needing creeper explosions (recommend disabling if enableReplanting=true)
# Enable automatic replanting of Creeper Plant after spawning new creeper
# Enable vanilla creeper spawning
# How fast the Creeper Plant will grow (higher = faster)
# Min: 0.0
# Max: 1.0
# The percent chance that gunpowder will drop from broken grown Creeper Plants
# Min: 0.0
# Max: 1.0
# Modifier for impact rain has on growth rate (higher = more impact)
# Min: 0.0
# Max: 1.0
# How likely the Creeper Plant will worldgen in a chunk (higher = more likely)
# Min: 0.0
# Max: 1.0
# How many Creeper Spores are thrown into the air from each creeper explosion
# Min: 0
# Max: 100
# If enablePlantSpread=true, how likely the Creeper Plant will spread each update (higher = more likely)
# Min: 0.0
# Max: 1.0
- Made double sure that creepers will not block spores from their own explosion
- Added config option for gunpowder drop chance
- Fixed NPE from from ghasts/tnt minecarts
- Added plant spreading and a bunch of config optionsv1.2.1
- Creeper checks now look directly for Vanilla creeper class, so modded creepers should be untouchedv1.2.0
- Creeper Spores are no longer invisiblev1.1.0
- Creeper Plants now explode when lit on firev1.0.1
- Added config item for the distance that Creeper Plants check to see if there are already too many creepers in the area to spawn any more