The assassin roams the night as a shadow and strikes their enemies down when they least expect it.
Birds eye view - You can get a birds eye view of the land around you, meaning you can send your camera up extremely high to get a glimpse of what's around you. The height can be controlled by your left and right mouse buttons when you toggle it.
Shadow Walking - You are able to tranform into shadow. While in this form, you are extra fast, can glide, sneaky, can fit in tight spaces, and is generally really cool.
Sneaky - You are sneaky and difficult to see, so you are translucent, and invisible when sneaking, standing still or in tall grass. Sneak and use your secondary key to toggle.
Carnivore - Your intense training requires a specif meats only diet.
Mobile - You are agile, and require lighter armour to remain faster. You cant wear armour with protection levels higher than diamond.
Less Durable - You are not used to being hit much, due to your speed. So you have 2 less hearts.
(requires pehkui and origins to be installed)