Explore The Vast new Lands of The Overgrown And Void Lands.
The Features: 2 New Dimensions And 2 new biomes one for each dimension the Overgrown dimension and the Void dimension. Overgrown has Overgrown Mountains And Void has Void Biome. 4 New Swords 3 New Pikaxes 3 New axes 3 new shovels 3 new hoes and 3 new armor sets. 2 New portal igniters for each dimension. New achievements New mobs and New structure.
How will this effect the player not much if they don't go to any dimensions because most of the stuff is there they will be able to craft some new stuff and they will definitely be able to craft the portal igniters so not much if they don't go into the dimensions but if they do YOU WILL HAVE AN AWSOME ADVENTURE.