Overly Complicated Seed-Pouch

Overly Complicated Seed-Pouch


Overly Complicated Seed-Pouch Mod

The BEST seed pouch mod out there*


This mod adds three new items.

Meet the Seed Pouch!

So what can you do with the damn thing?

Good Question! When you use the pouch it releases a projectile which, upon landing, drops a plethora of different crops.


But upon colliding with a player, the bag will immediately insert all of it's loot into that player's inventory, without dropping anything on the ground.


You can also just use the bag on a player to achieve the same effect without releasing the projectile.

New Since 0.4

Meet the Flower Pouch!


If MoreVillagers is installed, you can get the pouch from the florist, else Farmers are your best friends.

and the Sapling Pouch!


If MoreVillagers is installed, you can get the pouch from the forester, else Farmers are still your best friends.

Farmer's Delight support

Still from the 0.4 update

You can now throw items into open pantries.


The Second Best Feature


Getting This Amazing Novelty

Farmers will start selling the pouch for 3 emeralds on their second level.

New Gamerule

This mod also adds a new GameRule

autoPlantCropsWhenPossible (off by default)

As you can probably guess, with this rule on, crops will try to plant themselves if the block beneath them is where they can be planted. If that makes sense.


Custom Drops

If you want the pouch to drop additional seeds, you can overwrite


with KubeJS or a data pack to achieve this.