Overworld Bed Explode

Overworld Bed Explode


Whenever you feel like you don't want player to use vanilla bed in modpack or in vanilla but still want to give player fun or fear by making bed explode like in Nether or The End? This mod can do that, it makes bed explode when player interact with it in Overworld.


- Bed explode in Overworld and other modded dimensions (explosion chance and all world explode are configurable)

- Bed explode spawn mobs (list of mobs is configurable).

- Bed explode teleport other random player to bed location before explode (the chance is configurable). 

Quick showcase:

Note: This mod has 2 versions:

- Client: For singleplayer, config file in Config folder so modpack creator and player can edit easily.

- Server: For multiplayer (server), should work only in server side (client don't have to install the mod), config file in serverconfig folder. If you install the "client" version in your server, client must have that version to enter the server.

My other projects: https://www.curseforge.com/members/ducvn1882/projects