Overworld Quartz (FORGE)

Overworld Quartz (FORGE)


Requires FORGE

Makes Quartz ore generate in the overworld. Slightly less common than in the nether by default.

Configurable in "config/overworld_quartz-common.toml":

Default values for 1.18.2:

generate_ore = true
#Range: 1 ~ 64
quartzVeinSize = 14
#Range: 1 ~ 100
quartzVeinsPerChunk = 40
#Range: 0 ~ 254
quartzMinHeight = 0
#Range: 1 ~ 255
quartzMaxHeight = 255


Q: Forge?
A: Forge.

Q: Can I include your mod in a video?

A: As long as you include a link to the mod/modpack (if it happens to be in one), absolutely

Q: Can I add your mod to a modpack?

A: As long as it's on CurseForge, yes.