- 1
Edit as text tooltip renders on top of option tooltip
#95 opened by Awakened-Redstone - 1
Add deprecated tooltip for options annotated with @Deprecated
#96 opened by Awakened-Redstone - 1
[owo-ui] memory leak on the events cancel
#97 opened by Zailer43 - 2
Buggy Interaction with Gearifiers/Gear Core
#107 opened by fzzyhmstrs - 4
Broken font and config error
#98 opened by variety754 - 1
Player crashed and cant log back in
#99 opened by gamerpotion - 1
Make Components.list utility function use `Collection` instead of `List`
#100 opened by sisby-folk - 0
#101 opened by Daniel99j2 - 2
Entity Nametag Render Bug
#102 opened by Daniel99j2 - 6
Item render issue
#105 opened by FurnyGo - 0
Documentation typo
#106 opened by sisby-folk - 1
blue.endless:jankson dependency type should be api instead of runtime.
#112 opened by KosmX - 1
Does owo-config support Lists of custom objects?
#109 opened by TechPro424 - 1
owo-ui: Data-driven text box trims preset text to the default limit, even when a max-length is set
#110 opened by anonymous123-code - 1
"Incompatible client" when using a proxy (eg bungeecord)
#111 opened by HungryBoy02 - 2
Incompatible with Stendhal (Quilt 1.19.4)
#117 opened by rbits0 - 1
Alloy Forgery Crash?
#113 opened by ereese99 - 2
[owo-ui] The second layer of the skins is not rendered correctly if it has transparency in EntityComponent
#114 opened by Zailer43 - 2
owo-lib does not work on quilt
#116 opened by jucogjucogi - 4
I can't even start the game because of an "incompatible mod set" that I have ABSOLUTELY no clue how to resolve
#118 opened by Devintrainer - 3
Incompatibility/crash with Blur 3.0.0
#120 opened by Auzathoth - 2
Non [a-z0-9_.-] character in namespace of location: shaders/core/owo:spectrum.json
#122 opened by MADxingjin - 2
Searching in config without matches crashes the game (1.19)
#127 opened by thehaffk - 2
Add README screenshots
#125 opened by FazziCLAY - 1
Config UI Crash
#128 opened by A5ho9999 - 2
Mixin inject failing causes a crash
#129 opened by cootshk - 1
owo-lib 1.19.2 keeps crashing
#132 opened by Pixer14 - 2
owo-lib 0.10.4 incompatibilities with Fancy menu
#133 opened by NantaArthur123 - 7
@Config generating .class files but not .java files
#135 opened by ThatBlockyPenguin - 10
handshake failure
#134 opened by Saiko125 - 0
[owo-ui] LTR text flow layout miscalculates the number of possible columns and the result is different sometimes
#137 opened by Zailer43 - 0
[bug] (conflict) YesCheat triggers EulaConsole prompt
#138 opened by Merith-TK - 0
[Bug] owo config AP constant reordering of Nested Option types
#139 opened by Dragon-Seeker - 0
Hud UI elements get covered up by chat in newer/latest versions
#143 opened by Oth3r - 3
Missing font scaling
#140 opened by FlorentTomi - 3
Latest update breaks Sodium's menu in-game (owo-lib-0.11.1+1.20.jar)
#142 opened by gamerpotion - 4
Using item groups makes the vanilla creative scrollbar dissappear on Quilt
#149 opened by sisby-folk - 2
[1.19.3] owo-lib constantly making the game reload
#144 opened by HoneyBadger1337 - 4
Owo Lib makes my resource packs fail to load
#146 opened by ZyDoxx - 3
owo lib makes game crash with optifabric
#147 opened by Kevengg - 1
[1.20] OwoDebugCommands makes owo lib no longer able to be server-side only
#148 opened by Lama3L9R - 1
Forge port?
#151 opened by FlorentTomi - 0
[owo-ui] armor trim is not rendered in ItemComponent
#152 opened by Zailer43 - 1
Java crash with owo-lib 0.9.3 and RoughlyEnoughItems in mc 1.19.2
#153 opened by catgirlcataclysm - 0
DraggableContainer position is wrong after window resize
#154 opened by FlorentTomi - 2
[New Features] Data Generation in owo-lib
#156 opened by Krysztal112233 - 0
[owo-ui] lighting bugs in certain blocks with BlockComponent
#157 opened by Zailer43 - 1
[owo-ui] [suggestion] to be able to render fluids if the blockstate has them in BlockComponent
#158 opened by Zailer43 - 6
[owo-config] [bug] Infinite InvocationTargetExceptions
#159 opened by skyeredwood - 2
[owo-config] Is it possible to add a config badge?
#160 opened by c0nstexpr