In this mod you can time travel by adding a device called the time rift. There is at the moment past, future and present.

OBS: The X and Z coordinates are always the same in past, present and future. so if you are at x:10 and z:10 you will be at those coordinates in the past and future.

List of contents:

  • Dark Matter Ore
  • Dark matter
  • Contained Rift
  • Time Rift
  • Fabricator 
  • Dry Ice (doesn't have a recipe yet)
  • Cooling Liquid (Doesn't have a recipe yet)
  • Lab Report
  • Gold Coil
  • Servo Motor
  • Fridge
  • Compressor
  • Carbon Dioxide

This is an upgrade to the players experience because you now have two extra dimensions to build/hunt in.

The past doesn't have that many hostile mobs, the only hostile mobs are cave spiders. It also has pandas, dolphins and chickens (I plan to add dinosaurs)

The future is a wasteland where i plan to add lots of difficult mobs that drop lots of good loot. Otherwise the future is a great place to build because it has lots of open area.

To keep it hard to get to the past/future i made it so the fabricator is expensive to make, the time rift is expensive to make and you need one iron block to make Contained rift which you need to time travel.