Packed Inventory

Packed Inventory



Packed Inventory

A Minecraft mod that attempts to mitigate the ever-growing Inventory Problem by making it possible to manage the contents of shulker boxes, ender chests, etc. right inside your inventory.

Oh, also we have fancy tooltips for shulker boxes, ender chests, maps, and more!


  • Manage inventory of shulker boxes without ever placing them
  • Manage inventory of your ender chest without ever placing it
  • Bundle-like functionality for inventory items that allows you to quickly suck items into/out of shulker boxes, ender chests, and so on
  • Access crafting tables, stonecutters, and other workstations right from your inventory
  • Vanilla-like tooltips for shulker boxes
  • Vanilla-like tooltips for ender chests
  • Vanilla-like tooltips for filled maps
  • Vanilla-like tooltips for NBT-containing items acquired in Creative via Ctrl + MMB (e.g., chests, barrels, furnaces, hoppers, dispensers, droppers, etc.)
  • An extensive and simple API that helps other modders implement these features for their blocks and items

Here are some tooltip examples for you:

  • Container tooltip
  • Colored container tooltip
  • Compact container tooltip
  • Filled map tooltip


As it was said before, inventory items (e.g., shulker boxes, ender chests, and basically anything registered with the Packed Inventory API) automatically obtain bundle-like functionality that allows you to quickly suck items into or out of them. To place items inside an inventory item, either - pick up it in the inventory and press Interact with an item hotkey on the item(s) to be placed inside, or - pick up the item(s) and press Interact with an item hotkey on the inventory item

When placing inventory items inside another inventory item, the interface uses the first method: picking up Item A and pressing Interact with an item hotkey on Item B attempts to store Item B inside A.

Inventory items can be used inside the inventory to take out the last item put in. In this way, items are accessible LIFO (last in, first out).

When used outside the inventory, it dumps all the items out into the world.

Bundle-like functionality for inventory items

More screenshots can be seen here.

Key Binds

Key binds can be configured just like vanilla ones:

  • Go to Options...
  • Select Controls...
  • Then choose Key Binds...
  • Scroll down to the Packed Inventory section

Available key binds:

  • Interact with an item - interacts with the selected item (the one located in the active hotbar slot, if the inventory screen is not open; otherwise, the one the mouse is hovering over), i.e., either opens an edit screen for it, or tries to suck item(s) into or out of it, or drops its contents into the world (k by default)
  • Invert tooltip visibility (hold) - inverts tooltip visibility while pressed (Left Shift by default)
  • Invert tooltip compact mode (hold) - inverts tooltip compact mode while pressed (c by default)

It is ok for these key binds to interfere with others, because they are applied when your inventory screen is opened, where other key binds do not work.


If you have Cloth Config installed, you can customize the behavior of the mod. A config is usually located at ./config/packed-inventory.json.

  • tooltip.enable - indicates whether a tooltip should be enabled by default or not (client, true by default)
  • tooltip.compact - indicates whether tooltip compact mode should be enabled by default or not (client, false by default)
  • tooltip.showWhenEmpty - indicates whether a tooltip should be shown when its content is empty or not (client, false by default)
  • tooltip.rows - specifies the number of rows used to display tooltip content (client, -1 by default)
  • tooltip.columns - specifies the number of columns used to display tooltip content (client, -1 by default)
  • tooltip.usePredefinedColor - indicates whether a tooltip should use item color or not (client, false by default)
  • tooltip.color - specifies default tooltip color in case usePredefinedColor is set to false, or item color cannot be automatically determined (client, false by default)
  • tooltip.syncInterval - determines how often synchronization should occur (client, 5000 by default)
  • tooltip.size - specifies size of a tooltip (mostly used by the filled_map tooltip) (client, 128 by default)
  • validation.enable - indicates whether an action associated with this validation rule should be allowed at all or not (server, true by default)
  • validation.suppressValidationInCreative - indicates whether validation should be suppressed for creative players (server, true by default)
  • validation.requiresPlayerOnGround - indicates whether a player should be on the ground in order to proceed (server, true by default)
  • validation.requiresSilkTouch - indicates whether a player should have a tool enchanted with silk touch enchantment in order to proceed (server, true by default)

You can edit any of these values directly in the config file or via ModMenu.



  • Minecraft 1.17.x, 1.18.x, 1.19.x
  • Fabric Loader >=0.11.3

You can download the mod from: