Update to 1.19.3 Please
sternschnaube opened this issue · 7 comments
java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "de.johni0702.minecraft.bobby.Bobby.getConfig()" because the return value of "de.johni0702.minecraft.bobby.Bobby.getInstance()" is null
at Not Enough Crashes deobfuscated stack trace.(1.19.3+build.4)
at net.minecraft.client.option.GameOptions.modify$zlp000$considerBobbyMaxRenderDistanceSetting(GameOptions:3181)
at net.minecraft.client.option.GameOptions.(GameOptions:1093)
at net.minecraft.client.MinecraftClient.(MinecraftClient:467)
at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(Main:205)
at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(Main:51)
at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.game.minecraft.MinecraftGameProvider.launch(MinecraftGameProvider.java:461)
at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.Knot.launch(Knot.java:74)
at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.KnotClient.main(KnotClient.java:23)
Technically, the error message provided has nothing to do with my mod, it's about something called "Bobby", but yeah, sadly I haven't had a physical possibility to update all my mods to the latest 1.19.3 yet, however I definitely will do so
Sorry, it's taking me longer than expected. My primary focus is currently centered on another project (mc-publish
), mods will be updated after I deal with it
Hello @Kir-Antipov, any update on this? 😊
Thank you for the update @Kir-Antipov 🥳
Doesn't matter how long it took - you've delivered for us.
There is already a ticket open which directs to a 1.20.x version. I would like to have a 1.20.2 version myself.
I have to thank you, for your words.
Take all the time - I'm happy to hear that a 1.20.x version is planned 😊
Thank you so much for your kind words, they mean the world to me! I apologize for the delay anyways xD
I sure hope that at least 2024 will be a bit easier on apocalyptic events, so life struggles won't get in the way anymore. Also, I've made a few changes to the codebase of my mods to be able to react more promptly to new Minecraft updates. Thus, I do feel hopeful that the next update won't take a year or so for me to finally catch up with it xD
I'm currently working on 0.3.0+1.19.4
(bug fixes, stability improvements, and a few more features). After that, Packed Inventory 0.3.0 will be ported to all 1.20.x releases. You can expect this to be finished in a few days :)
@sternschnaube, 0.3.0+1.20.2
has been published. Happy playing :)