PandaBoi's Story Mode Armor And Cores

PandaBoi's Story Mode Armor And Cores


This is a mod that focuses mainly on armors from Minecraft: Storymode, core's to be able to craft the armors, and a ultimate nether star that allows you to craft core's
The armors that are currently in the game:
Ender Defender, Dragons Bane, Golden Goliath, Star Shield, shield of infinity and other armors that were shown in the episode 4 of mcsm
each one of these armors have their own core (except white pumpkin's)

The smithing recipes are broken at the moment and you cant use jei to check them but it will be shown in the images section on how to craft them.

WIP Mod so dont expect every story mod armor to be there. (this mod requires Cracker's Wither Storm Mod)


All of these textures were made and given permission to use by azael (oliver is not the original texture owner so please dont start drama over it)

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