Now this is a battletower mod!
Welcome to the Passer's Custom Battletowers mod (Public Alpha 1) where eventually it will be possible to implement custom towers via config and structure files.
For now this just has one type of tower that can generate but I will be adding more tower types soon as well as all other features planned below.
Think of this as a test and a proof of concept. That and you can finally use a battle towers mod in 1.15.2 and soon in 1.16.2 on Forge!
Features this mod already has:
- One decent template tower ready to be conquered with random mob spawners throughout
(For alpha only) - Makeshift boss mobs at the top of the tower. Just Illager mobs at the top.
Features being implemented (Next Update)
- Better entrance generation and detection
- Configurable loot tables
- Boss mobs that have a chance to spawn at the top of each tower. Bosses yield their own, superior loot. (AI & Models)
- "Ladder" tower type (easier generation/custom creation)
- Optional Lore expansion as an expanded RPG feature. Things like notes and books left behind in villages/towers telling small stories about these happenings.
To Do List (Later Updates)
- Random rotation on generation
- A large variety of customizable variables that can be edited per tower! (rarity, allowed biomes, loot etc)
- Custom Mob Spawner blocks that can spawn mobs in light or dark. It will also be used for easily configurable mob spawns in each tower.
- Ways to implement more unique structures instead of just towers. (mansions, fortresses/strongholds or villages, for example)
- Ways to implement custom boss mobs via config.
- Dimension specific generation for towers (modded and vanilla)
- Anything cool that someone suggests to me. I read heaps of comments so feel free to make suggestions!
Frequently Asked Questions:
- Will this mod be coming to Fabric?
Maybe, we'll see. Either way I suggest you check out Draylar's Battletower mod for Fabric. It's another good battletower mod that's already on Fabric and it inspired me to start my own.
Can you port the mod to x.xx.x version of minecraft?
Assume no unless I have already specifically mentioned otherwise.
Your models/textures/towers are okay at best but when will you add better ones?
If someone wants to contribute their work to the mod I'd be happy to take a look and consider adding it permanently to the mod. I myself am not great at building, I just do the programming.
Why doesn't this mod work with x mod?
Well that can be answered in a few different ways. There is a chance their mod doesn't support mine or I screwed up somewhere along the way and I need to fix something. Please do let me know if you come across any compatibility issues and I'll get to fixing them as soon as possible.
How do/Can I make custom towers?
That feature isn't out yet. Until then you can only configure the rarity and biomes the current template tower can spawn in. Even if you were to create tower layers to plan ahead, chances are some math may change for different tower types so it's hard to say until it's finished.
Can I add this to my modpack?
Sure! No credit necessary though I'd love to see how you've integrated this mod with others so please do send me a link.