- 0
Document how to replace fonts using a resource pack on website
#587 opened by williewillus - 0
Allow scrolling individual pages when text overflows
#588 opened by unilock - 2
Make multiblock progress bar position editable
#595 opened by recon88 - 2
Patchouli doesn't work
#596 opened by BurakHatip - 1
Will not load up book in second mod
#593 opened by DePhoegon - 0
Add an option to disable quick lookup
#594 opened by ctrlaltmilk - 0
Illegal book path can cause game to stuck in loading phase
#589 opened by Taskeren - 0
Commands don't syntax-check xor don't work in 1.19
#590 opened by williewillus - 2
Patchouli not Working
#591 opened by mindoesthingz - 2
patchouli doesnt work
#592 opened by seokjinslips - 0
Patchouli doesn't respect mods with multiple content roots on fabric
#597 opened by MattiDragon - 1
Patchouli crashes with Farmer's Delight
#598 opened by MalacoX - 1
ctd when reading books 75 and 74
#600 opened by ZolElle - 1
Compatibility with Forge 1.19.1
#599 opened by Zygus42 - 2
Freeze and unfinished game crash when loading world
#601 opened by Chaos02 - 0
Allow 'Extra Recipe Mappings' to take priority over standard recipes
#603 opened by wrincewind - 0
[Feature Request] Lock Categories with Advancements
#605 opened by KazuMurako - 0
ItemStack String Format doesn't document tags
#606 opened by williewillus - 2
Boxes instead of text, even with unicode fonts on
#607 opened by Derpford - 1
Hot reload no longer functional in 1.19
#608 opened by baileyholl - 1
Allow multiple recipes to be displayed on one crafting page using arrays
#609 opened by KazuMurako - 1
Crash when searcing index of a book and typing the letter R
#610 opened by MuteTiefling - 1
Potential bug with mod + extensions in alternate namespace
#611 opened by williewillus - 1
Could not find vazkii.patchouli:Patchouli:1.18.2-71.1_mapped_official_1.18.2.
#612 opened by Luppyn - 0
Search box's text ignores book's defined text color
#613 opened by Luligabi1 - 1
Defining an entry with no pages crashes the game on 1.16
#614 opened by blockgoblin31 - 1
Crash with Victus.
#615 opened by wrsgwergergwer - 0
Allow variables to be used as an array
#616 opened by TagnumElite - 1
Ars Nouveau book causing crashes
#617 opened by Sisyphus-1942 - 0
Expose read-only config to API
#618 opened by williewillus - 7
world loading freeze on 100%
#619 opened by ZaksenCode - 0
Pamphlet only shows 11 entries
#621 opened by zabi94 - 3
Java language version problem
#620 opened by KaelaniRevyruun - 2
Mod File Patchouli-1.19.2-77.jar needs language provider javafml:43 or above to load
#622 opened by efa - 0
Patchouli bookmark overlaps minecraft tooltips
#623 opened by Aegide - 1
Hitbox duplication for text formatting
#624 opened by Aegide - 1
Issues editing and reloading changes [Forge 1.19.2]
#625 opened by teagan75 - 0
[1.18.2] crashing due to Rendering overlay
#628 opened by xemnes - 5
Book badly displays large amount of text.
#631 opened by DrHesperus - 5
1.19.3 release
#632 opened by tambry - 2
Data Generation system for books
#633 opened by thomasglasser - 0
Possible mixin clash between this mod and Fabric Shield Lib
#629 opened by Sunconure11 - 1
Croptopia Book won't Open when Right-Clicking
#630 opened by tiredtsuyuasui - 1
Crash when viewing specific entries
#638 opened by Zheyue0 - 1
1.19.3 fabric versiyon
#636 opened by Rogenar - 2
[Suggestion] Plain text viewer
#637 opened by LeoBeliik - 1
Document /open-patchouli-book
#639 opened by williewillus - 1
Hot Loading don't work?
#640 opened by SparkleArts - 8
1.19.3 build crash upon game launch
#641 opened by EntangledLabs - 6
Book entries doesn't load
#642 opened by Alexis-Silvery