



Peaceful+ allows you to craft or find all items, which are currently unobtainable on peaceful mode.

This mod does NOT add recipes for:

  • items which can be found in dungeons e.g. saddles, disc "cat" and "13"
  • creative only items/blocks
  • drops from bosses

This mod still works fine when playing on a higher level of difficulty. Although it might be easier to just fight the Monsters, then.


With this mod also came some new blocks and items, which you will need in order to craft your gunpowder, blaze rod, etc.

There are also some new recipes for items, that you can get on peaceful mode, just to make the mod a bit more balanced.

e.g. You could still get bone meal by finding fossil structures and putting the bone blocks in a crafting table. But vanilla fossils are extremly rare.

The new fossil blocks i added, will provide with small amounts of bone meal, early in the game.

If you use better tools however, you'll get alot more things out of them.

List of all items/blocks in this mod:

-sulfur deposit (drops sulfur crystals

-saltpeter deposit (drops saltpeter crystals)

-block of Sulfur

Maybe you want to craft it to safe store space or just use it for decoration.

-block of Saltpeter

Maybe you want to craft it to safe storage space or just use it for decoration.

-gypsum block (drops gypsum crystals)

-fossil block (drops cobblestone, bone meal and rarely bones)

The fossil block can be mined to get bone meal or maybe even bones. However this doesn't always have to be the case. It may only drop a cobblestone and if you have very bad luck, the block drops nothing.

Use plaster and bandage, to turn it into an encased fossil, for better Drops.

-encased fossil block (drops a lot of bones and sometimes bone blocks)

This block is basically the same as the fossil block with a much higher rate of dropping bones and a small chance of dropping bone blocks. Besides that, the encased fossil does not drop bone meal and cobblestone. Unlike the fossil block, the encased fossil has to be mined with an iron pickaxe or better. Otherwise the block will brake and nothing will drop.

-hydraulic press (a new crafting station)

Instead of coal, the Crusher needs redstone as fuel. Each item you want to crush, requires one redstone. So this is quite expansive at the begining of the game, but will be more affordable in the later game. If you play on peaceful, you will need the Crusher in order to start with brewing and crafting tnt.

Following items can be crushed:

-sulfur crystal

-saltpeter crystal

-gypsum crystal

-flax (a plant that drops string)

 The flax can be picked up by right-clicking it.

-rafflesia (a flower that drops slime balls)

 Like the flax, the rafflesia can be picked up.

-sulfur powder, gypsum powder and saltpeter (made out of their crystal form; crafted in the crusher)

-totem head, totem arms and totem body (needed to craft a totem)

-plaster and bandage (used to turn a fossil into a encased fossil)

-covered gold rod

-black tear

-slimy black tear

-shulker plate

-blank music disc

-a lot of new crafting recipes

How to use the hydraulic press:

1. Put redstone in the bottom left slot as a fuel.
2. Put the crystal, you want to snap to dust, in the top left slot. (You can also use any kind of prismarine block, too. This gives you four prismarine shards, instead of one, which you get trough smelting prismarine crystals.)
3. Press on "CRUSH!!!"


 supported languages:

  • english
  • french
  • german
  • hungarian (thanks to NeMeZiSSFPRO)
  • spanish

This mod is not supposed to be a very big mod, so don't expect to see a lot of big updates coming out. But i still want to improve some features (how you get/craft specific items) of this mod to make it more interesting.

I hope you enjoy this mod while spending some quite nights with crafting. ;)

This mod was made with MCreator. MCreator is an awesome program, that allows you to create your own Minecraft mods easily.