Pedestal Crafting

Pedestal Crafting


Pedestals can be crafted, and placed within a small area around a Pedestal Core. Items to be infused will be placed on the pedestals, while the item to be transformed will be placed on the core.

Pedestals are safe for use as decorations, while the Pedestal Core is not.

An example of crafting an item, showing the WAILA and TOP integration.

Features 100% support for all: WAILA/HWYLA, The One Probe, Just Enough Items and Craft Tweaker.

Are you a modpack creator, or looking to manipulate the recipes? Read ahead!

This mod is intended for modpack creators, as it provides a fancy mean of crafting. It has full recipe tweaking through the use the commonly known CraftTweaker mod and the syntax is as follows:

mods.pedestalcrafting.Pedestal.addRecipe(output, ticks, coreItem, inputItems[]);

mods.pedestalcrafting.Pedestal.addRecipe(output, ticks, coreItem, inputItems[], particlesCrafting[], particlesPostCraftCore[], particlesPostCraftPedestal[]);

By using the second statement, you are able to override the particles that are spawned during each crafting phase. Particles Crafting are the particles spawned at the core, for the full duration of the crafting process, while particles post crafting core, are the particles that are spawned on the core after a successful craft, and finally the particles post crafting pedestal are the particles spawned on the pedestals after a successful craft as the items are removed.

An example script that adds a standard recipe, using default particles is as follows (will produce, a bedrock block, that takes 5 seconds; placing a granite block on the core, and surrounding with a sand block, iron ingot, gold ingot and an obsidian block):

mods.pedestalcrafting.Pedestal.addRecipe(<minecraft:bedrock>, 100, <minecraft:stone:1>, [

Another example, that features overriding the particles, is as follows (particle name of "endRod" with a count of "2" will spawn at the core during crafting; particle with name "portal" and count of "50" will spawn at the core after crafting; particle with name "smoke" and count "25" and also a chance of "flame" with count "5" will spawn at the pedestals after crafting):

mods.pedestalcrafting.Pedestal.addRecipe(<minecraft:apple>, 100, <minecraft:diamond>, [
], [["endRod", "2"]], [["portal", "50"]], [["smoke", "25"], ["flame", "5"]]);

Note, not specifying a particle count will default to 3. For valid particle names, see:

This mod was heavily influenced by ExtendedCrafting by BlakeBr0, and many references are made to his source code in this mod.