Pedestal Crafting

Pedestal Crafting


Add support for ingredient transformations (e.g. leave items behind)

darkshadow543 opened this issue ยท 3 comments


I am trying to make a recipe in which an Item is left behind on the pedestal after it is crafted. For instance, Just to Show a recipe here goes.

//item reuse code
val bowl1 = ore:materialBowlOfPromises0;
val emptybowl = bowl1.transformReplace(evilcraft:bowl_of_promises:1);
mods.pedestalcrafting.Pedestal.addRecipe(evilcraft:promise, 100, evilcraft:promise_acceptor, [emptybowl, xreliquary:mob_ingredient:6], [["flame", "40"], ["crit","10"]], [["largeexplode", "50"]], [["smoke", "50"]]);

This recipe was intended to craft an upgrade for Evilcraft. What was expected was that a empty bowl of promises would be left behind, since they are expensive. Instead both items, it only takes the reliquary item.

This was written thinking it was not a bug, but rather a lack of support for this transformation.


Hmm. I'll take a look into this; though I must admit I never even thought or knew about atransformReplace mechanic, though it makes sense!

So you're telling me that your code above only takes the reliquary item and doesn't even touch the replaceable item? I ask because I would expect it to just replace clear all pedestals and not abide by the replace action.


Yup, thats what happens, video evidence here.


I had a look into this earlier today. It seems that in order to implement it, I'd need to make CraftTweaker a hard dependency which is fine. However after seeing what I'd potentially have to do to get it to work, I'd rather refactor the entire mod (re-write) and add other requested features (e.g. pedestal rotation, pedestal tier locking).

I'll leave this issue open and welcome anyone to submit a pull request should they implement it. But I don't quite have the time right now, and probably not for a while.

I'm really sorry, and I personally would like this feature too!