Energy Transport Too!
Pedestals are not limited to only transporting items around, you can transport energy as well. Also some machines that require solid fuels can also now use energy.
Filtering Some Targets for Some Upgrades
Some Upgrades in the mod will target entities to apply its function too. You can filter for a more specific type of entity by placing a block of ingots/gems under it.
Pedestal Planter Upgrade
Pedestal Planter Can plant crops in a large area around it, the max area is 13x13x13 meaning you can stack layers of farming spaces into this area.
JEI Can Help!
Since Documentation is a little lacking at the moment, all of the upgrades have JEI descriptions giving a brief explanation for how to use them.
A Quick Overview
Pedestals Mod has tons of upgrades available, here are a few of them setup.
Insane 35k/min Wheat Farm
Pedestals Mod is great for early game, but if you need some late game processing, We can help there too! Multiple Upgrades enchanted to MAX made this possible, 35k wheat and wheats seeds per minute produces by this farm setup
A Small Processing Setup
This is an in-game example of someone using the Sawmill, Crusher, and Smelter upgraded pedestals for some easy early game processing.
Working With Other Mods
Automated Botania Living Stone/Wood using Block Placers and Filtered Quarry Upgrade.
All Pedestal Colors
These are all the pedestal colors available
Showing Off all Items and Blocks
Just an image of all the content in v0.7d
64 Colors Of Pedestals
Pedestals has 64 color variants, you can combine red, green, and blue dyes together with our custom in-world crafting system to make color pallets which can dye your pedestals to all sorts of colors!
Milking Cows and Putting Items In Minecarts
Pedestals are very versatile, You can interact with more than just blocks, but entities as well.
Completely Automated Skelly Farm Drops Sorter/Processing
There is A LOT going on in this setup: Green Imports items, Purple Filters out Enchanted Stuff, Orange Filters Leather Armor to void, Red sorts/repairs bows to full,Blue Filters metal armor to smelt,Stone color crushes bones into meal, etc