Per Dimension Inventory

Per Dimension Inventory


Change your inventory when going to a different dimension.

Useful for multi world servers

Also can switch health and hunger.

NOTE: This mod is currently server side only

Each dimension can be in a dimension group.

For example Dimension 2,3 and 4 can be in one and 5,6 and 7 in another. In the config it is set like this


If you teleport to a dimension in the same group, say 2 to 4, you will keep the same inventory.

But if you teleport to a dimension in a different group, say 2 to 6, your inventory will to the one used in that group.

NOTE: keepInventory

If you want to use /gamerule keepInventory true, make sure you set it to all dimensions in a group.

Otherwise if you die in another dimension in the same group, you will lose your inventory across the whole group