PetFish - New Dimension

PetFish - New Dimension



This big creature can be tamed with bunchs of fruitberries, once tamed you can put a saddle on it and ride it with a fish on your hand (tropical fish, cod, salmon). Also you can breed them with singles fruitberries. This creature it's a perfect mount for fly, walk and go in water, but take care about because it can't be more than 4800 ticks out of water. This creature has an alpha version, your petfish obtains experience on killing other entities (the experience value depends on the target's health) so when the petfish is ready you can give them blocks of fruitberries to make them stronger, with more health and damage. (It summons particles when it's ready to be alpha)

There are 9 variants with different attributtes:


  • Blacky
  • Blue
  • Diamond
  • Endy
  • Firy
  • Ghosty
  • Goldy
  • Greeny
  • Pinky

Every type has it's own ranged attack (on progress, for the moment this works with firy, endy, pinky, ghosty). 

Use gems for convert them into other petfish version. The base for make these gems it's the krat orbe.


Dark Giant

It's a monstrous-sized entity that hunts players and Goops, it's very strong with 500 of health and 16 of attack damage but it's a bit slow to walk because it's too heavy. It has 4 states of health, on the critic state the giant can destroy blocks just for attack their objectives. Take care about it's roar, every entity will be launched far away.



It's a small creature and it drops "meat" and it's own leather. Don't attack them without armor because these creatures are stronger than a zombie. 


Crypho rhino

It's a big creature that is neutral, it attacks Dark Giants but for the other entities they need to collide them to get their attention. It's weaker than a Dark Giant but even of that take care because it can launch you far away just colliding it.


Krat raptor

It's a neutral creature that hunts cows, goops, rabbits... You can tame and breeding them with meat on your hand, also you can interact with them with golden apples, enchanted golden apples, saddle, raptor armor and it's breeding items. For make them sleep just use shift and right click, it can be healed sleeping but it's a small probability.



Krat raptor armor

It's an armor that make your raptor stronger, this armor can be enchanted with 5 levels and that will make the raptor even more stronger.

It's armor affects these attributes: 

  1. Armor
  2. Armor thoughness
  3. Knockback resistance



You can farm fruitberries with suba trees, suba bushes and planting poles but the most efficient way it's using planting poles. You just need to craft the planting pole and right click on it with suba leaves on your hand. 


Wave blocks

These blocks are the base of the krat dimension, you have it on every biome of this dimension.


Krat Dimension

The portal is made with fruitberry blocks, you can use a krat orb to open the portal. This dimension has 3 biomes, suba, dark and crypho. Instead of stone it uses wave stone, it's a block coloured depending on the sky of the biome but with a pink hue. Also the ores are krat, iron, gold and diamond but with a version of wave stone.



This biome is similar to overworld, it has it's own grass on you can use hoe or shovel for interact it or bone meal for grow grass. You can find a lot of trees, flowers, grass and Suba cows and Goops.



This biome is similar to a black mountain but you can find patches of vegetation on it with trees. Also you can find Krat Raptors, Dark giants, Goops and SkyWatchers. It's the most difficult biome.



This biome is empty, literally it's like a desert made of blue stone and some patches with other variants of blue stone. You can find crypho rhinos but these creatures are neutral.
