Petrock - Forge

Petrock - Forge


The Pet Rock Mod is the only Pet Rock Mod that you will ever need. You will never need to feed, walk, bath, groom or neuter! All Pet Rocks come trained to "sit" and "stay" and best of all your pet rock is the only pet that will never run away!

What you will get in the Box:

  •  1 Petrock

100% Rock Solid Guarantee!

How To Get One:

Crafting PetRock Order Form

right click and you will get a PetRock in a box. If you right-click the box an Untamed PetRock will spawn at your feet. To tame a PetRock you need to get Stoneium from Stoneium Ore

Stoneium Ore

To Heal a damaged rock you will need to craft Rock Kibble:

Crafting Rock Kibble

a non tamed petrock

Tamed: Following and Sitting:

PetRock Tame FollowingPetRock Sitting

Mod Redistribution Info:

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