


This Mod will add around twenty phobias to the game, each one with its own dimension.

This mod is in progress and adds the psychological terror to minecraft, also it teaches you what kind of phobias exist.

Phobias added:

- Acrophobia: fear of heights.

- Atomosophobia: fear of nuclear weapons. (Adds a nuclear bomb, a bomber helicopter and some destroyed structures)

- Hematophobia: fear of blood and needles. (Adds a meat block, blood and needles)

- Amaxophobia: fear of vehicles. (Adds asphalt, petrol, latex, rubber, a crazzy car, a crazzy truck and a crazzy motorbike)

- Arsonphobia: fear of fire. (Adds the always burning wood and the green fire)

Phobias in progress:

- Atephobia: fear of ruins.

- Claustrophobia: fear of confined spaces.

- Iophobia: fear of venom.

Phobias to be added:

- Coimetrophobia: fear of cementeries.

- Entomophobia: fear of arthropods.

- Necrophobia: fear of corpses.

- Nelophobia: fear of glass.

- Phonophobia: fear of sounds.

- Thalassophobia: fear of oceans.

- Agoraphobia: fear of open areas.

- Hilophobia: fear of forests.

- Megalophobia: fear of big things.

- Nictophobia: fear of darkness.

- Coulrophobia: fear of clowns.

- Mechanophobia: fear of machines.