Pick Block Pro

Pick Block Pro


Pick Special Blocks ;)

AlphaLeoli opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Unobtainable Blocks

If you pick a block like for example fire, instead of giving you flint and steel give yourself a command block named flint and steel and have it like so (this is the fire example)

repeating_command_block[minecraft:block_entity_data={auto:true,Command:"setblock ~ ~ ~ fire",id:repeating_command_block}]

That way, placing it would place it automatically. This would also allow for doing blocks you can't usually get. For example, you could have a nether portal, end portal, or even bubble columns! And ik a lot of these would go away instantly, but if someone has a mod like Axiom they can stay. Also this is a better pick block mod so idk why not add features that are better than normal pick block.

Biome Picking

Furthermore, if we're doing things like this with commands and stuff, you could ALSO have people set a keybind to pick a biome, and then have it run /fillbiome. Also, I know all this stuff I'm saying is like kinda redundant since it's a clientside mod so you could just have them run the command and have a fully custom block or something. However, that would mean you can't give the blocks to your friend that doesn't have the mod. Which ig u cant do with the fillbiome thing. but still.


Thank you for the suggestions.

As for your first one, what you're suggesting is actually already possible. PBP has an overrides config file, this can be found in your config folder. Inside this file you can specify which item you should get from which block or entity. It has full support for nbt/components too. When changing the file you can use the command /pbp reload to reload the config in game. Once you have something you like you can easily share this file with others or even include it inside a modpack so others can use what you've made too. Your example works great with this too, just make sure to use single quotation marks instead of double ones for the "setblock ~ ~ ~ fire" part.
Personally I don't like to add your suggestions to the overrides file by default, since most server wouldn't allow use of them, that's why it's been made configurable though, so you can change it to your own preference.

The seccond one I'll have to look into, I might be able to add another keybind or something to copy biomes. I'll see what I can do with that


Thanks, look what i made with this:
Uses CIT Resewn to show nether portal texture

Also, I'm wondering if there's a way to define nbt for any of these?
Like for example, have something different for if something is facing a particular way