Pick Block Pro

Pick Block Pro


Pick Block Pro

Pick Block: Get the block/item of what you're looking at in creative or switch to that block/item in survival.
This mod is an advanced version of this and adds a lot of extra features (see below)

This mod replaces the default Pick Block, however the ID and Tool picker use their own keybindings.


Most things below are configurable in the config settings using the config file or Mod Menu

  • In survival the block picker will now also search through item-containers like shulkers inside your inventory
  • Holding ALT while Block picking will add BlockState data as NBT to the block/item
    (stacks with CTRL for BlockEntity data)
  • Holding CTRL while Entity picking will add Entity data as NBT to the item
    • Copies mob data and adds it to the spawn egg
    • Copies armor stands with their data
    • Copies item frames including the framed item
    • Copies painting variant
  • Pick extra things:
    • Pick fire and get a flint & steel (1.16+)
    • Pick the sun or moon and get a light block (1.17+)
      Cycle through the light levels by picking the sun or moon while holding the light block
    • Pick a player and get the head of that player
    • Pick mob spawners
    • Pick fluids and get a bucket of the fluid
  • Extended Pick Block range, decide how far the picker should be able to reach
  • Lock inventory slots to prevent the picker from switching or replacing the item in that slot
  • Copy ID's of hotbar blocks/items directly into your chat, for easy WorldEdit command creation
    (Use CTRL + 0 through 9 while your chat is open, 0 is for the off hand slot)
  • Pick ID's of blocks in the world with the ID Picker and copy them directly to your clipboard
  • Use the Tool Picker and get the best available tool to break the block or kill the entity
  • Creative inventory management (not just the hotbar) is now actually possible when picking blocks


Fabric API
Cloth Config API Fabric (Is required to make the config work)

Mod Menu (This mod allows you to edit the configs in game)